Risk Management

Everyone hopes things will go as planned. But We're Ready to adapt if things don't go our way

It's always great to be prepared.

Potential Problem 1 - Suppliers sending raw materials that are of lower quality than promised


  1. Source only from reputable suppliers.
  2. Order samples to ensure quality.

Potential Problem 2 - Unexpected delays in raw material shipment


  1. Maintain a base inventory to ensure no stock-outs. Forecast demand and plan accordingly.
  2. Have alternate suppliers (e.g. From neighboring countries) that have faster shipping and can ship a similar quality product.

Potential Problem 3 - Unexpected influx in demand causing long wait times for customer


  1. Look for part-time helpers to assist with.
  2. Limit total orders to feasible amount, to ensure quality is not compromised with our final product.

Potential Problem 4 - Logistical challenges related to delivering final product (e.g. rough handling)


  1. Test Delivery Partners, Select those which can ship Fragile goods well.
  2. Personnel (internal) delivery for high-priced items.

Potential Problem 5 - Competitors responding to our products with lower prices or new products


  1. Observing for changes in the market environment.
  2. Pivoting to remain competitive.
  3. Create new products to surprise our customers. (pleasantly, of course!)