10) Does our supplies work?

1st meet up for production

23 june 2019

Just like an experiment, does it work?

This is our first day to make our first sell-able product. Since its a floral theme i was thinking of using scented dried flower petals to make into something more unique other than just being a petal.

Spend some time on it, the flower did not come out as well as expected but the dried petal butterfly was pretty good hence we decide to use it in our design. However due to some issue with the glue, it takes very long for the petals to stick and whats even worst is that it came off easily which is very frustrating. Another problem with the dried flower petal is the unevenness of the shape, hence it is very hard to find a petal that is symmetrical to one another.

Our first 2 completed products

Each product has it own unique name and story behind it, so that it may relate to the customer life which may form emotional connection for them to buy from us.