11) Discovery of New Competitor

Discovery of New Competitor

1 July 2019

Similar product...

Today I was walking around in Jurong Point and i found our one shop that sells gift and souvenir and as expected there are similar product just like ours. However the price range is so much cheaper. The smaller glass jar cost $8.90 while the larger ones cost $10.90.

Some special feature that our competitor has..

Fairy Lights

Their product has fairy light that have its switch right on top of each cover, which increase the aesthetic of the product. while for our product is either solar power lids or fairy light which have switch dangling outside the glass.

Now we know why

Source from overseas

We found out that these product can be found in TaoBao which is selling at very low price. Do you think its worthy and pretty? Think again. How many people has this design, while for our product we only made a few similar design with an option of customization. We were thinking if we should buy these supplies too for the glass, which can be an option to increase our product aesthetic point.