BP18: DIY Push x Marketing Ad Video

26th August 2019

Today, our team continued with our DIY Pivot Push.

Since my last blog post, we bought more figurines, glass bowls and preserved moss for the planned DIY products we wanted to release in the market.

Today, I came down together with the team with the resources needed, as well as video equipment (a DSLR and Tripod) to record the video guide of making our products.

Things we had to factor in were:

  • Consistency: We wanted each video to have a similar well lit background, so the videos look to be of high quality. NTC's rooms provided a good place for our video taking process (Although we had to tweak our camera settings to remove flickering)
  • "Repeatability": To ensure customers can follow our guide and come up with the exact same product, we measured the weight and amount of sand and moss used for each video, so we can produce DIY Kits that contain materials enough to make exactly the same design.

With those set, we now are ready to take videos for our DIY products!

Sindy and Kimmy, our "lead designers", were involved in creating the DIY Product in front of the camera. I was in charge of video-taking (ensuring the camera is well focused, that the DIY Process was constantly captured within the camera's field of view), as well as the packing of initial stock of DIY products.

Here are some shots of us in progress!

After this shooting, we will pack the materials for each DIY kit, ready for rolling out. We have an opportunity in the market - The upcoming Teacher's day - and we are hoping our DIY kits will be attractive enough for students to consider buying our DIY kits as well :)

Plus: Another Marketing Stunt! Featuring...Me?!

1st September 2019

Apart from that, we also recorded the a marketing video to show customers a "use-case" for buying our products. The video will showcase a boyfriend that has forgotten that it's their relationship "monthsary" (commonly celebrated among new couples), who then scurries to assemble his own terrarium the wrong way - by cutting flowers from his school- until of course, he gets caught.


We're hoping a comical video will help users remember our brand, products and showcase. This point was shared by SGAG in a DEVIATE Seminar, where SGAG shared that based on their research, emotionally compelling ads are more likely to be remembered by the target audience.

Credits: SGAG (Shared in Deviate Seminar, July 2019)

So, hopefully this research finding works for us! Sindy, Kimmy and I took about 30 minutes discussing the storyboard

Our team took about 1 hour to film the relevant parts needed for our video. I was the actor, while Sindy and Kimmy acted as directors for the video and recorded my acting.

Then, It took me about another 4 hours for me to gather the resources needed and edit up the video. I tried my best to add in relatable memes and relevant songs/transitions to make the video more engaging. And of course, I made sure the video overall looks funny (and that I don't look too bad as the main actor....lol)

I will upload the finished video in the next post once it's complete. So Stay Tuned!

UPDATE: Now Available on my next blog post!