Jia Cheng

Chief Operating Officer


I'm Jiacheng, currently a Year 2 student from NTU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. At Flormière, I am in charge of operations and planning (but our roles are really just mixed). My hobbies include writing math equations and climbing walls. On a good day I might take out my guitar to clean the dust off it (and pluck one of the strings maybe).

For me, starting a business has always sounded fun and challenging. As a student with all the energy in the world and pretty much nothing to lose, this is the time to be free and explore everything and venture everywhere! I firmly believe that one should try as many things out as possible when one is young, in order to not leave regrets in the future*.

Anyway, looking forward to this journey. 9135, we're at the endgame now.

*Perhaps that's why my GPA is suffering :(

The bittersweet end of a beginning, how I will join the presentation on the other side of the world, and some messages for the juniors.

An explanation of what we have been doing for the last month of ET9135, why and how we are doing DIY products.

A small rant on communication issues. Don't worry we fixed it.

Going to explore the US market for terrariums.

Happy National Day fellas! Would you like a free Terrarium?

Lots of pivoting and new ideas, feedback from seniors and professor.

Second part of the production process, where I discuss how we actually make these little terrarium worlds.

Brings you through the whole process of making the goods, this post focussing on idea generation and sourcing.

After a long period of research and testing, we have finally released our first batch of actual products.

Back to the drawing board, but this time getting it right.

Major decision made on the products.

And again and again. Basically a bunch of kids with no knowledge on terrarium designs trying everything we can to make it work.

Sourcing for cheaper goods turned absolute traffic jam disaster.

Finally started making our own terrariums, though with limited success. On another note, doesn't this looks especially rustic on old newspaper?

Finally, our materials from China has been shipped. Excited for unboxing them?

Outline of our general business direction, essentially what we are doing the next few months.

Lots and lots of debates, conflicts on what business to start, and our decision. Involves some drama too.